Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wise Words

I have always loved this poem, the credit of this version goes to Mother Teresa:

 People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
            If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
            If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
           If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
            What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.
            If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
            The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
         Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
         In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Millie is 18 months and full of energy.  She doesn't miss much, especially when it comes to what her sister is doing.  Whatever Madeline is eating, doing, playing is what Millie wants to be eating, doing, playing.  She loves to go up and down stairs and tries to fit into the smallest places possible.  Her favorite word is MORE, as in more food most of the time.  She also likes to make animal noises and look at books.  She will run up to me and tell me she "poo-poo" and point at her diaper and demand an immediate diaper change.  Speaking of demanding, she demands loves to be held.  Although she can be feisty, she is the first one to hold my hand, grab my face and hug me.  She is the tiniest thing, her 18 month appointment is coming up and I'm sure she will be less than the 50th percentile.  She eats like a horse, so I'm still not sure where all this food is going.  

Madeline is 4...I can't believe I am writing that.  Four seems so old.  She goes to preschool three days a week and is loving it, many of her friends are back from last year so she's had fun seeing them again.  She loves anything that has to do with pirates, we had a pirate birthday party for her and had a treasure hunt.  She also loves to dress up in any kind of costume, especially pirate costumes.  She can recognize he own name and is learning some of the alphabet.  She has started playing with some of the kids down the street.  They ride bikes up and down the block and driveways.  She is becoming more and more independent in everything, from letting herself out of the house, to buckling her own seatbelt to finding her own snacks.  

We are so grateful everyday for these sweet girls!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Summer Roundup

After our trip to Nebraska, the rest of the summer seemed to fly by.  I think we were busy trying to savor the last dreamy days.  We had some fun savoring the last sweet days of summer.  We made it to the county fair...not sure who had more fun, Madeline or Uncle Ross.  

Madeline rode on every ride possible for someone her size.  She is much more brave than I was at that age.  I still am terrified of anything that takes me more than 2 feet off the ground!

We had many play dates with friends and at home.  After being on the rode for our big trip, it was nice to sit back and relax close to home.  

The last big hurrah was Madeline's first camping trip---on the beach!  Todd, Ross and Madeline slept in our tent on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Poor Ross didn't get much sleep that night, stating Madeline sleeps like a ninja!  :)

Millie playing in the tent the next morning.  Needless to say, Millie and I slept in the cottage.  

I think it's pretty safe to say summer is done.  We are back to our routine here, but I still miss those warm summer days and already can't wait for next summer!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nebraska 2011

We headed out west at the beginning of August to visit my Grandma Nave, aunts, uncles and cousins.  I was a little nervous for the girls, as it's a ten hour drive, but they were great.  They took their naps in the car and enjoyed their surprise gifts I bought them for every couple hours.  Here are a few pictures of the trip!
Cracker Barrel, holding hands and rocking

Water Park!  We stopped half way to stay the night in a hotel with a water park. 

Playing in Iowa, a sweet Millie face.

Finally to Grandma's!  The girls were so sweet with her.

Keeping Grandma busy.  I'm sure she slept those nights we were all there!

Sweet Sarah who took care of Millie for me.

And sweet Sean who kept Madeline busy.

My newest cousin, Michael Andrew.  Oldest and youngest Nave cousins.
A big thank you to my Aunt Patty and Uncle Rick for letting us stay on Friday night...they entertained us well!  

Steps and Jumps

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We're Back

We traveled far and wide to the great state of Nebraska.  Pictures to follow, but found this on one of the blogs I follow.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Love this verse...

Love this verse...not sure if I"m supposed to be copying these...I mean I give credit where credit is due, right?  

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can it be???!!!

Millie walks!!!

Breakfast, Birthday and a Bed

Ok, make that bed, birthday and breakfast.  I can never get these pictures to upload the way I want!  I swear, though, Millie put herself in there AND closed the door.  AND screamed at me when I came near her.  Maybe she'd sleep better there than in her own bed.  Maybe worth a try?  :)

June 27th marked Todd's birthday and Madeline made him this beautiful cake.  The candles I found for cheap so I thought we had better just use them!  Happy Birthday Todd!!! when these girls sit (for two seconds) and have a nice moment to themselves.  And I get a moment to myself.  Hopefully drinking a big coffee.  This moment happened to be at breakfast.  Love those girls!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



i found another cute posting from

we used to sing the song "where the spirit of the lord is" at hope college during  the gathering.  oh how i miss those nights and the full heart i would leave with.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Found it!

found this cute sign at & thought i would share

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Coffe in the Morning...

makes mama happy!

Especially this coffee: cold, strong and creamy all at once.  Starbucks? Nope. 
Thanks to my friend, Ree (okay, I wish she was my friend, I mean I think we could be GREAT friends, we have soooo much in common :)), from, I learned how to make this dreamy, creamy drink.  I will be stored in the fridge the rest of the summer.  Maybe forever.  And ever.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The First Day

the first day of summer!  Officially, that is.  We've been summering it for weeks now, hence my lack of blog posts (as usual this time of year).  I just can't get myself away from my backyard and playing with the girls.  Here's what we've been up to so far!
My Art Hoppers!  We loved going downtown for Art Hop night...a free event downtown showcasing local artists and the stores on the mall.  Free unless you decide eat downtown and then get ice cream afterwards! cream downtown!

Running her first 1K with dad...the Kid's Klassic!  

Celebrating Todd's grandma's 90th birthday in Detroit.  A really nice day for everyone involved...especially Bobcia!

And yes, still teaching Millie to walk!!

Friday, May 13, 2011


When I found out I was having another girl, I assumed I would be having the same daughter twice.  Don't laugh, it's true!  I told this to Madeline's preschool teacher the other day and she laughed and said, "oh you young moms when will you learn?"  I thought Millie would walk at the same time, get teeth at the same time, look the same and act the same.  Naive? Wishful thinking?  Luck?  What was I thinking?!  Although they might look a little bit alike, they certainly DO NOT act, grow, develop or anything else alike.  

I won't say WHO (Millie Grace) STILL doesn't sleep through the night, but this is my only complaint!  

I love that they are different and I love that their personalities are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I love that the things I once thought about Madeline aren't really true and that Millie certainly inhabits many  of them.  

Here is a picture of Madeline and Millie in the same pose but about four months apart.

Madeline Jean 2008
Millie Grace 2011

Cotton Tail

Millie Grace Easter 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011


Well I have been put this post off now for a couple days because I have needed time to think.  I was tagged in a blog to share my favorite ten things.  I thought this would be really easy, but I got stuck!  I came up with five or six and my brain stopped.  I mean, I have lots of favorite things, but I couldn't justify one being more favorite than the other!  So, I stopped. But, I broke through and think I have conquered the task!
Thanks, Ashley, for making me think!  Check her super cute blog out here:

{Note: these are in no particular order}

I <3 peonies.  They are so pretty and smell so good.  I remember smelling them as they grew on the side of my parents house and I carried them in my wedding.  Here are my girls in front of the our neighbors peonies last year.
Madeline and Millie, 2010

My Girls

They are so fun together.  Millie is finally at an age where she can play with Madeline.  And Madeline is so good with her.  Let's be real, we do have our moments, but for the most part, they look like they will be good friends!

My Backyard in the Summer better Oasis, or place to sip wine or beer.  It's green, lush and I can here the sounds of those summer nights.

Coffee in the Morning

This goes without saying.  If you hear me put your hands up!

Swimming in Lake Michigan

Many Michiganders would say they prefer the lake to the ocean anytime.  Um, yes please.  I love a good swim in the lake, especially on those wavy days.  True, it takes til about August to get the water temp warm enough, but you are a true Michigander if you can swim in the lake in early June!
Madeline and I in Lake Michigan

Bombs away! Lake Michigan 2010

The Fall

My favorite time of year.  The colors are amazing, the weather perfect and apples yummy!
Halloween 2010


Yes, any color blue will do.


Who doesn't love a good storm.  I've liked them since I was little.  I used to watch them come out of the west when I was little.

Bell's Porter

Yeah, so, I put beer down.  It's true, I LOVE Bell's Porter.  I love most dark beers but the Porter is fab.u.lous.

Gray Gap Skinny Jeans

I love my new gray gap skinny jeans.  Super comfy, never thought it would be so.  Plus they are super cute too!

I think that completes my list!  Now you know all about me!