Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Happenings

Madeline will be two in a couple weeks....can you believe it?!  We can hardly stand it.  She is such a big girl.  She is extremely active.  People frequently ask me if she knows how to walk (because she literally runs everywhere).  She loves her dog, Rocco.  She likes to play on playgrounds and go down slides.  She is a lot to keep up with!  

She also really loves Sesame Street.  For her birthday, we took her to Elmo Live!  She loved seeing her favorite characters in person.  She wore her Oscar the Grouch shirt for the occasion and kept asking if she could go up on stage.  
Of course, along with her age comes a little bit of a challenge in behavior.  This stage is a little more trying on mom and dad, but also can be a lot of fun.  She certainly is a happy little girl for many reasons.  But...her number one reason for being happy right now is Madeline is going to be.....