Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Millie is 18 months and full of energy.  She doesn't miss much, especially when it comes to what her sister is doing.  Whatever Madeline is eating, doing, playing is what Millie wants to be eating, doing, playing.  She loves to go up and down stairs and tries to fit into the smallest places possible.  Her favorite word is MORE, as in more food most of the time.  She also likes to make animal noises and look at books.  She will run up to me and tell me she "poo-poo" and point at her diaper and demand an immediate diaper change.  Speaking of demanding, she demands loves to be held.  Although she can be feisty, she is the first one to hold my hand, grab my face and hug me.  She is the tiniest thing, her 18 month appointment is coming up and I'm sure she will be less than the 50th percentile.  She eats like a horse, so I'm still not sure where all this food is going.  

Madeline is 4...I can't believe I am writing that.  Four seems so old.  She goes to preschool three days a week and is loving it, many of her friends are back from last year so she's had fun seeing them again.  She loves anything that has to do with pirates, we had a pirate birthday party for her and had a treasure hunt.  She also loves to dress up in any kind of costume, especially pirate costumes.  She can recognize he own name and is learning some of the alphabet.  She has started playing with some of the kids down the street.  They ride bikes up and down the block and driveways.  She is becoming more and more independent in everything, from letting herself out of the house, to buckling her own seatbelt to finding her own snacks.  

We are so grateful everyday for these sweet girls!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Summer Roundup

After our trip to Nebraska, the rest of the summer seemed to fly by.  I think we were busy trying to savor the last dreamy days.  We had some fun savoring the last sweet days of summer.  We made it to the county fair...not sure who had more fun, Madeline or Uncle Ross.  

Madeline rode on every ride possible for someone her size.  She is much more brave than I was at that age.  I still am terrified of anything that takes me more than 2 feet off the ground!

We had many play dates with friends and at home.  After being on the rode for our big trip, it was nice to sit back and relax close to home.  

The last big hurrah was Madeline's first camping trip---on the beach!  Todd, Ross and Madeline slept in our tent on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Poor Ross didn't get much sleep that night, stating Madeline sleeps like a ninja!  :)

Millie playing in the tent the next morning.  Needless to say, Millie and I slept in the cottage.  

I think it's pretty safe to say summer is done.  We are back to our routine here, but I still miss those warm summer days and already can't wait for next summer!