Friday, May 13, 2011


When I found out I was having another girl, I assumed I would be having the same daughter twice.  Don't laugh, it's true!  I told this to Madeline's preschool teacher the other day and she laughed and said, "oh you young moms when will you learn?"  I thought Millie would walk at the same time, get teeth at the same time, look the same and act the same.  Naive? Wishful thinking?  Luck?  What was I thinking?!  Although they might look a little bit alike, they certainly DO NOT act, grow, develop or anything else alike.  

I won't say WHO (Millie Grace) STILL doesn't sleep through the night, but this is my only complaint!  

I love that they are different and I love that their personalities are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I love that the things I once thought about Madeline aren't really true and that Millie certainly inhabits many  of them.  

Here is a picture of Madeline and Millie in the same pose but about four months apart.

Madeline Jean 2008
Millie Grace 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet essay! And poo on the school marm that didn't cut you some slack.) You are living THE MYSTERY... and these things are precious discoveries. Love the photo comparison, but you should have added comparative shots of you and Todd at that age!
Aunt Deborah