Monday, June 7, 2010

Just Because

Today President Obama was in Kalamazoo speaking at Kalamazoo Central High School's graduating class. They graduated on the campus of Western Michigan University. We happen to live about a mile (or less) from WMU. So, we were lucky enough to see the President's helicopter fly into Kalamazoo and out of Kalamazoo. Each time, I took Madeline out to wave to the President.

As his helicopter was flying out, all the neighbors were out to see the sight. Madeline was standing next to the neighbor boys and, as the helicopter flew by, I glanced down to see the three of them saluting the President. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

It gets better. About an hour after I put Madeline down to bed, another helicopter flies by (probably the local hospital helicopter). I hear Madeline yell for me, so I go up to tell her to go to sleep. She declares she heard a helicopter and that it's the president, and we had better go wave to him. Oh, to be a child again!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stories! Did you remind Madeline how excited she would be whenever she heard the name 'OBAMA'? Hail to the wee ones hailing the Chief!

Aunt Deborah