Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer in Full Swing

Well our summer is crazy busy.  There is always a lull in my blogging around this time of year.  Between raising a two year old (in September) and trying to train a new dog, we are on our toes!  Here is Madeline with her new best friend, Rocco.  They chase each other around the house all day.  If Rocco goes for a walk, Madeline goes for a walk.  Except Madeline doesn't walk anywhere, she just runs.  We have had more skinned knees this summer.  We have also discovered the fun of bandaids.  

What else have we been doing?  Well, we recently spend a day in Chicago.  Todd played in a couple games at the Chicago Beach Soccer Tourney.  My BFF Erin and her cute family met us at the beach where we played in the sand, ate ice cream and splashed in the lake. Later, Erin and Dave took us to a yummy Mexican restaurant.  The day was dreamy.  
My sister-in-law Stacey is getting married in October to Trevor, so I went to a shower last weekend for her as well.  It was nice to see the Chappa side of the family.  Zoey came to play at the end and Madeline and Zoey had fun chasing each other around the house.  In a week, I will be throwing a couple's shower for Stacey and Trevor which should be a blast!  
I also will be going to a bridal shower for my cousin Christina next weekend.  She and Jon are getting married two weeks after Stacey and Trevor.  I'm excited for them too and can't wait to see the VandenBosch aunts and cousins!

What is in store for the rest of the summer?  Hopefully some relaxing on the beach, maybe a project or two.  Maybe I can convince Dave, Erin and Stella to come this way :)  Who knows, but I'm sure it will be eventful!


Anonymous said...

Does it seem that the "lazy days of summer" is a concept from the past? Oh well, as long as it is full of family and friends, it's a summer to remember!
Thanks for the PALS update!
Aunt Deborah

Erin and Dave Foster said...'ll have to convince us!
OKAY -- I'm convinced! lets pick a date ;)