We have been busy. In the last few months, there have been so many updates, it would take me several posts just to get it all in! I decided to combine and give a quick update. Madeline started preschool and she loves it! Above is the opening family picnic where the kids had to make their own boat for a boat race. Madeline was very proud of her boat with Captain Jack Sparrow, who she wants to be for Halloween. School is twice a week at Mrs. Wolfe's house with 12 other little 3 year olds. It is too cute.

My parents celebrated their 30th anniversary with a dinner party at the downtown restaurant, Rustica. Happy Anniversary to Mike and Sue!! If you are downtown Kalamazoo, check out Rustica, you won't be disappointed! Above is my mom and her brother. Several of my mom and dad's siblings were able to make it along with many of their friends.

First day of school!! It was a big day!
Happy 3rd Birthday Madeline! Are you really 3? It seems like yesterday I brought you home on a warm, fall day. Much like it has been lately. We love you so much sweet girl.

This picture is too precious. My parents and I took the girls to go see my Grandma Nave in Nebraska. Poor Todd, we left him at home. You can see his sad story here. We missed him a lot! However, we were so lucky to go and see "Gammy" as Madeline calls her. It was a special time that we won't forget. We carved pumpkins for her to look at, watched my cousin, Sean's, football game, ate with family and had a great time. We love Grandma Nave and wished we lived closer to hang out with her more often.
As you can see, it's been a busy couple months, but a FUN couple of months. Happy fall to everyone.
1 comment:
Thanks for the love-filled updates! Madeline's pre-school seems so beautifully UN-institutional...Yay for Captain Jack and being 3 years old! Congratulations on your folks' big anniversary; they look great...speaking of great: visiting Grandma Nave in the heartland with the children.
Love and Blessings,
Aunt Deborah
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