Friday, November 26, 2010

What a difference...

a year makes! Above is Madeline on Thanksgiving 2009. She is so much taller now and has lost a little of her "baby face." She wasn't potty trained and certainly hadn't been anywhere for an extended period of time without a parent or grandparent. Her favorite activities were riding her bike, watching Sesame Street and Dora and scribbling all over her coloring books with her crayons. This time last year, I was five months pregnant with Millie and I knew she was a girl, however I didn't have a name picked out yet.
Fast forward to this year. I have two beautiful girls. Millie is now almost eight months old. She can just about get up on all fours to try and crawl, however she prefers to be held. She loves to make growling noises and adores her sister. She also likes to yank on Rocco's ears and feel his furry coat. Madeline has been potty trained for quite some time now and attends preschool twice a week. She even stays for lunch there from time to time. She can draw smiley faces and loves anything to do with pirates, Spiderman and Superman. She can frequently be found wearing her Superman shirt and Thomas the Train hat. She loves to make her sister laugh.
We are lucky, blessed, happy, whatever you want to call it. Above all, we are THANKFUL. I could list everything we are thankful for, but it would be too long (maybe another day as I think it's a good practice :)). I know that God has blessed in amazing ways, especially in the form of the two cuties above.

I still Paul Boersma's message to us at our wedding: do not forget the Lord your God. He reminded us of two things: to surround us with community and to always give thanks to God. It was a beautiful message, based on Deuteronomy 6: 4-12
Attention, Israel! God, our God! God the one and only! 5 Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got! 6 Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you 7 and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. 8 Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; 9 inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates. 10 When God, your God, ushers you into the land he promised through your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give you, you're going to walk into large, bustling cities you didn't build, 11 well-furnished houses you didn't buy, come upon wells you didn't dig, vineyards and olive orchards you didn't plant. When you take it all in and settle down, pleased and content, 12 make sure you don't forget how you got there - God brought you out of slavery in Egypt.

Let it be know we haven't forgotten!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Downtown 2

I am going to continue my little series about downtown Kalamazoo! We love to live in Kalamazoo and especially love downtown. We ventured to the main drag to participate in the annual Holiday Parade.

Once again, this is a {free} event! This year they asked you to bring canned goods and non-perishable items for the local food banks. Pretty easy admission! We originally planned on sitting with our group from church, but as we walked in, my friend from work and her kids had FRONT ROW seats! We snuggled up with them! There were five local marching bands and three or four large balloon creatures (as featured above!). As the different floats go by, they throw candy to the kids. A special shout out to the sweet grandma next to us who would grab the candy and give it to Madeline! All in all, another fun time downtown Kalamazoo!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I recently learned that one of my dad's favorite songs growing up was "Downtown." Everytime I think of that word, I can't help but start singing it, then I start laughing thinking of my cowboy teenager dad singing it!!! Probably the thought of going downtown was pretty exciting sitting out on that farm! Anyways, that's beside the point!
Two weeks ago it was cold and raining here. I had two restless girls here and a long afternoon ahead. So, I decided it would be a good day to go downtown to see what we could find. One of the reasons I love Kalamazoo is the downtown. Lots of fun restaurants, shops and things to do. One of our favorite {free!} things to do is go to the museum. It's a great place for kids to burn off some energy and there is a special little kid area where there are crafts and story times. Plus, there is a REAL MUMMY there! Above is a picture of Madeline last winter a the museum, she loves it there!
After the museum, we walked across the street to The Radisson Hotel. In the basement is a HUGE fish tank with all kinds of fish, including several Nemos! Just watching these little fish can provide at least a half hour of entertainment! {note: if your child is a little "spunky"it may only be 20 minutes, as is the case for us}.

Don't worry, there will be more downtown posts, but for now, I will leave you with the song "DOWNTOWN" lyrics!!

When you're alone
And life is making you lonely,
You can always go downtown
When you've got worries,
All the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know, downtown

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go
Downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, no finer place for sure,
Downtown, everything's waiting for you

Don't hang around
And let your problems surround you
There are movie shows downtown
Maybe you know
Some little places to go to
Where they never close downtown

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossanova
You'll be dancing with 'em too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go
Downtown where all the lights are bright,
Downtown, waiting for you tonight,
Downtown, you're gonna be alright now
(Downtown downtown)


And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So, maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares and go
Downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown, don't wait a minute more,
Downtown, everything's waiting for you

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We love this song!

This song is so great. Madeline likes to sing along with it! Hope you enjoy it, too!

Stole It

"Thanksgiving doesn't depend on the way you feel moment by moment, nor is it a polite courtesy. Your urgent duty is to respond in gratitude to all that God has done and is doing for you. To be grateful is to recognize God's hand on everything that touches your life. Every breath you draw is a gift of His love; every moment of existence is a gift of grace, for it brings with it other immense graces from God. Gratitude takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly aware of new wonders, and praises the goodness of God. Those who are grateful know that God is good not by hearsay but by experience."

I stole this quote from Shane and Wendy's Blog. I have been reading about their journey through international adoption. They have had to be very patient and trusting of God and recently posted this quote on their blog. I thought it was so good, I would share it too. If you get a chance, read their blog and say a prayer for them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You Must Excuse Me

We have been busy. In the last few months, there have been so many updates, it would take me several posts just to get it all in! I decided to combine and give a quick update. Madeline started preschool and she loves it! Above is the opening family picnic where the kids had to make their own boat for a boat race. Madeline was very proud of her boat with Captain Jack Sparrow, who she wants to be for Halloween. School is twice a week at Mrs. Wolfe's house with 12 other little 3 year olds. It is too cute.
My parents celebrated their 30th anniversary with a dinner party at the downtown restaurant, Rustica. Happy Anniversary to Mike and Sue!! If you are downtown Kalamazoo, check out Rustica, you won't be disappointed! Above is my mom and her brother. Several of my mom and dad's siblings were able to make it along with many of their friends.
First day of school!! It was a big day!
Happy 3rd Birthday Madeline! Are you really 3? It seems like yesterday I brought you home on a warm, fall day. Much like it has been lately. We love you so much sweet girl.
This picture is too precious. My parents and I took the girls to go see my Grandma Nave in Nebraska. Poor Todd, we left him at home. You can see his sad story here. We missed him a lot! However, we were so lucky to go and see "Gammy" as Madeline calls her. It was a special time that we won't forget. We carved pumpkins for her to look at, watched my cousin, Sean's, football game, ate with family and had a great time. We love Grandma Nave and wished we lived closer to hang out with her more often.
As you can see, it's been a busy couple months, but a FUN couple of months. Happy fall to everyone.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Importance of Family

So this past weekend, I got a taste of bachelorhood once again. It wasn't quite the same as it was pre-family. In fact, I realized how out of touch I was with the scene away from home.

The girls left on Friday to visit Gammy (Grandma Nave) in Nebraska. Rocco and I were holding down the fort. On Friday afternoon, when I returned from work, the house was eerie. It was quiet and it felt cold. Now I understand that it was cold outside and that transferred into the house. But it was a different cold. Time went by depressingly slow. Luckily, Ross was around and we hung out. The whole weekend was kind of nuts. I didn't sleep very well (despite my thinking that I might sleep extraordinarily well considering there was no one there to wake me up at random times). I didn't even really make it upstairs and crashed on the couch.

I did get quite a bit of errands around the house done, including ripping out the carpet in the play room. All in all, this weekend gave me a realization as to how amazing family really is. Even when Madeline spills something or irritates me past the point of frustration, or Millie wakes up a couple times or doesn't fall asleep to begin with, I definitely did not like being apart from that. Family is something to be cherished and always appreciated. "Do not boast about tomorrow for you never know what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Little Vacation

We decided to take a little vacation and, as usual, headed down to Chicago for a night. It seemed like we were gone a lot longer but I think it has to do with the fact that we toted to kids around the Windy City. Even though it was only for a night, we had a good time as usual. We promised Madeline a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo so she could see all her animal friends. The best part for us is that it's free! It's such a great zoo to go to! I think I have a couple other blog posts with pictures of Madeline there as well. Above is Millie in front of the carousel that Todd and Madeline rode.
While in Chicago, Millie found her toes!

We seem to be creatures of habit and always eat at the same place for dinner when we go. The last couple times we have been to Chicago as a family, it must have been in the fall or winter, because our favorite restaurant was opened up to the street. It was fun to eat and watch the foot traffic go by. Madeline had fun with her chopstick feeding her animals--Bambi and Roo. She picked them out at the Disney Store.
I can't believe it is August and summer will be wrapping up. Todd has been busy trying to move into his new school and sounds like it has been a lot of work trying to unpack. Plus, he has to learn all new curriculum for the fourth grade. All of that, coupled with my working and the day-to-day will probably make the rest of the summer fly by. We hope everyone we know is having a great summer too!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Todd, Master and Commander!

This post is long overdue. I meant to write it back in May, when Todd became a Master! Master of what? you might ask! After a couple long years (and long Wednesday nights) for Madeline and I, Todd received his Masters Degree. I suppose those were a couple long years for him, too (and a couple of long, LATE nights!). Congrats to our great husband and dad, Todd!
So, Todd is not only Master (ha--and don't start thinking I go around calling him Master Todd!) but he is also Commander of the two girls this summer. That's right, our own Daddy Daycare. I went back to work and Todd has been watching the girls--by himself--for those long 12 hour days. And let me tell you, they are LONG! But, he does it and he does it well. We are fortunate. Above is the great Master and Commander on Father's Day, we love you Todd!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Fourth

My friend Anna always makes the yummiest things! When we had Millie, she brought us the most beautiful (yes, you heard me, beautiful!) and tasty meal. Recently her twins turned one and the party was beyond perfect. While there, I ate one of the tastiest treats ever--cake balls! I decided to be a copycat and make them for the fourth for dessert. Anna's were way cuter, but practice makes perfect and they will be cuter next time. But they sure were tasty! Happy Fourth!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Lately, I feel like there has been nothing but bad news. I feel like with each breath, there is a prayer that accompanies it. Maybe this is how we are supposed to live. There hasn't been anything in my immediate family that has required this type of praying, but things that surround us. I find myself in a constant conversation with God. It is both good and bad, I suppose. I am learning to rely on God more, but also questioning the ways of the world. I cannot believe in a God who let's things happen to "teach us a lesson." Therefore, I believe in some evil in the world, something that someday God will overcome. In the meantime, I will continue to pray and give thanks to the one who gives us these great gifts.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Just Because

Today President Obama was in Kalamazoo speaking at Kalamazoo Central High School's graduating class. They graduated on the campus of Western Michigan University. We happen to live about a mile (or less) from WMU. So, we were lucky enough to see the President's helicopter fly into Kalamazoo and out of Kalamazoo. Each time, I took Madeline out to wave to the President.

As his helicopter was flying out, all the neighbors were out to see the sight. Madeline was standing next to the neighbor boys and, as the helicopter flew by, I glanced down to see the three of them saluting the President. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

It gets better. About an hour after I put Madeline down to bed, another helicopter flies by (probably the local hospital helicopter). I hear Madeline yell for me, so I go up to tell her to go to sleep. She declares she heard a helicopter and that it's the president, and we had better go wave to him. Oh, to be a child again!! :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life Lessons

So ever since Millie was born, I have been feeling bad that she hasn't received some of the same things Madeline did. For example, I didn't get newborn portraits done, no new clothes (well, some of course!!), Madeline's old room. Some of this is inevitable, I suppose. However, there have been a few things that I have for Millie that I WISH I had for Madeline! Here is a list of things I wish I had the first time around:

1. BumGenius diapers. I LOVE these cloth diapers. I never thought I would be one for doing cloth diapers, but it is super easy! They are really soft, good for the earth and save you some money (some estimate $1800 per kid).

2. My Ergo baby front carrier. Not only is it a front carrier, but can be used as a backpack carrier as well! The baby/toddler is right against your skin and it is very easy to use...I recommend it to everyone!

3. Hotsling! Once again, I never thought I would be t
he sling type, but Millie likes to snuggle in close to me. It's nice to use these first couple months when they can't sleep very well in the front carrier, but you need your hands free. Yes, there have been some recalls, so make sure you are using it correctly!

4. My Volvo wagon. Yes, we just bought a car a year ago (--not the Volvo wagon...insert life lesson #36 here :)). After some deliberation and much consideration, we traded in our old/new car (which will remain nameless) for our Volvo wagon. It is 6 years old, but will save us some money in the long run and I feel much better about myself and my kids in it. I love it!!

This may sound like a commercial for baby products and cars, but these products are awesome and worth the money :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over

Yesterday the four of us went back up to Holland for a day away. It was great to be out of town, only if it was an hour away. After lunch we stopped at JP's for a cup of coffee. While waiting in line, an older gentleman stopped me to ask how old Millie is. I told him just six weeks. He then told me he had just been to the hospital to visit his newborn great-grandson. His sixth! He told me when he thinks of his babies, "his cup runneth over." Exactly what I was thinking.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dutch Baby

I just love Tulip Time in Holland. My mom, the girls and I went up last week to see the tulips and the dutch dancers (well and let's be honest, to shop). Madeline once again wore one of my old dutch costumes. Doesn't she look cute? Millie was passed out in the stroller all day and missed most of her first Tulip Time. There is always next year!


I didn't grow up with sisters. As many of you know, I have two brothers. I love my brothers A LOT, but I am so excited for Madeline to have a sister. My prayer is that they are best friends and lean on each other in times of need.
Madeline already loves Millie. She loves to hold her, kiss her and help me give her a bath. She is the perfect age to do all these things and more. I wanted this baby a lot sooner, but am grateful for the age difference between them. I think it's perfect. I guess God knows what he's doing after all.

Millicent Grace Chappa

On April 2nd, I was laying in bed listening to Todd snore. I flung my leg over to kick him and my water finally broke! I was thrilled to know that I was going into labor. We called my mom, she came over to stay with Madeline and we drove to the hospital. At 12:30pm that day, our sweet Millicent Grace was born. We like to call her Millie, or Millie Bean for fun. She was 7lbs 15oz of perfection. The delivery went smooth and was much shorter in comparison to Madeline's. We are once again head-over-heels in love. The love you feel for your child is hard to describe and we feel that kind of love everyday for our two sweet girls.

    "As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD. I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD." 1 Samuel 1:26-28

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Get Away

We were able to go on a little get away to Hawaii for the weekend...ha ha, just kidding! We went up to the Great Wolf Lodge, a close second to Hawaii, for the weekend to get out of the cold! Madeline had a blast sliding down the slides, splashing and swimming. She wore herself out completely! Todd had a good time chasing after her and I waddled around in my large bathing suit. :) It was good to get away, even for one night, to be somewhere different and have a change of scenery.
Madeline on the slide--"I do it myself!"

Shooting the water gun!

Toddler pool---so much to do, so little time!

Here is my sweet girl looking all grown up in her pigtails. She has some great new sayings these days!
My dad walked in the door the other day and Madeline asked "whobody else?" is coming in!!

She was hanging on to my credit cards and said, "mommy these are your credit cards and they say Mommy Danielle on them" She recently learned my name and says it so funny!
We are SO EXCITED it is almost spring! 4 more weeks until the baby comes and it has been sunny the last 3 days here---things that make me smile!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Balmy Musings

It is a balmy day here in West Michigan...a whole 50 degrees! I can hardly believe it! It's January 24th and 50 degrees. I think God finally got tired of my complaining of the weather. This winter has been long, especially after the holidays. I suppose I am prone to thinking so since I am also on the countdown to the arrival of our sweet Millie. I knew this part of the journey would be long, the last months of pregnancy always are and then add 6 inches of snow and clouds onto that.

I am grateful for the sun and warms temps though today and, after Madeline's nap, we will be going out for a walk! Fresh air somehow always makes things better. I even snuck open the kitchen window for about an hour just to let some in.

Somehow this time of year always makes me feel so mundane, like life is really boring. I know in a couple months life will be crazy and the sunshine will be out everyday, but things seem so stagnant right now. So, I have been trying to soak up all the "normal" things that happen and be grateful for those, especially knowing this is the last alone time I will have with Madeline. I am so thankful that my life isn't chaos, especially when I relfect on all that has happened in Haiti and am lucky that I can focus on boring tasks instead of life-saving measures.

Hope this post finds everyone well and "boring" as well :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Camera

A few pics from our new Christmas gift!

The Holidays

We had a great Christmas with lots of family time. Todd had two weeks off from school so we got really used to having him around...especially me who could relax a little bit more. I worked Christmas Day, so Christmas Eve day we had our Christmas. It was just about the most perfect day! Madeline didn't know the difference so it worked out great. Todd went to his parents on Christmas Day and then we had various other Christmas gatherings before and after. Above is one of Madeline's Christmas presents, a Madeline Doll house!
Here we are Christmas Eve, Madeline hiding my large belly :)
Our house with Madeline outside, she loves to play in the snow. It takes about a year to get her into her snowsuit, but it's worth the effort as the fresh air gets her nice and tired!
Madeline and her new bike from Santa on Christmas!
We kept saying, "next year we'll have two!" which seems just unreal, but I am now 28 weeks, so it's going to be real soon! I can't even imagine two right now, but am completely ready, especially with all this snow and cold weather. April 3 can't come soon enough! Please pray for a safe delivery and health baby for us! We hope everyone had as great a holiday season as we did!