Monday, August 4, 2008


My Aunt Maria threw a going-away party for her son and daughter-in-law and their twins, Madeline and Jacob that we attended yesterday. The twins are about 18 months and my Madeline was just enamored with them. This is all beside the point, but I thought I would just give a little background. The other Madeline had a baby doll that she brought to the party, which my Madeline promptly picked up, thinking it was hers (of course, because what isn't??). So, we told her that was "baby". She then kissed baby, made me kiss baby and made everyone around her kiss baby. As you can tell, she loves kisses. She then said what sounded like "baby" several times. I think we witnessed a first word! Todd is a little skeptical. So, today we are going to Wal-Mart to get a baby to see if it happens again. I'll keep everyone updated on our experiment! Hopefully it works!

1 comment:

Erin and Dave Foster said...

soooo....did it work? Do we have a talker!?!?!?