Well just when you think you get your baby on track, the Easter Bunny goes and gives the baby a tooth in her Easter basket. That's right, Madeline Jean is sprouting a tooth! She has been sleeping through the night now for months, but recently has been waking up. We thought perhaps it was because she has learned to roll over and would roll over in her sleep. However, she bit Todd's nose the other day and he got quite the surprise! It still hasn't fully shown its face, but she's working on it. Madeline looked beautiful in her little Easter dress and was pooped out by noon from all the excitement; figuratively and literally. We hope all our friends and family had a great Easter and we're hopeful to see those that aren't near us soon. Not that we could have, since there was a blizzard here dumping 14 inches of snow. Is it spring yet???!!
That same thing happened with Halle and I bought her those teething tablets, and they were the ticket!! They really worked
In March I passed by Kalamazoo when I drove to St.Louis to visit Gary and his girlfriend, Crystal. BOTH ways, I was so close to you but unfortunately couldn't stop by. I have yet to see Madeline.......your gorgeous little girl. One of these weekends (you know....the 'every other' wk-ends that we nurses have to endure) I will have to drive over there and visit all of you. I'm very much looking forward to that!!
Love to all,
Aunt Chris
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