Saturday, February 2, 2008

Days with Daddy

Lately, I have been fortunate! As you all know, I am lucky enough to be employed as a teacher in the Portage Public School District. Now, despite what some may think, it is a lot of work to teach. And, it's no secret that maintaining this occupation has some perks like working regular hours during the day and having summers off. Another major advantage about teaching is having snow days. This past week, Kalamazoo has been getting hammered with snow. I was lucky enough to have two snow days, which meant two days off, one of which was yesterday, a Friday. Needless to say, I was a happy camper! Furthermore, this meant that I had two extra days at home with Madeline! I wanted to show two pictures to you all of me and the "Bubs", one of which is slightly unfortunate yet an actual experience anyone will have assuming the position of 'parent'. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Madeline is so adorable! I bet you guys are great parents!!