It's true, once again time has caught up with us and we've been delinquent in posting about our lives. The last post is from election day... that seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Holidays
It's true, once again time has caught up with us and we've been delinquent in posting about our lives. The last post is from election day... that seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Complete Mobility
So I know it's been a while and it's about time to write a little update. About three weeks ago, Madeline went from a step and tumble for a couple days to walking circles around the house! The transition from crawling to walking is fantastic, amazing, and trouble! Our house isn't the most "baby-proof" kind of house, if that even exists, and we constantly have to monitor Madeline. She is a very curious girl and wants to get into everything, always! She is really good, though, with finding out how to crawl up into her favorite chair in her playroom and getting down stairs. Of course, she does have an occasional spill but rebounds almost immediately most of the time. It is such a blessing to see her grow into this little person but it is sad at the same time to see our baby growing up. More to come...Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Please Pray
Saturday, August 30, 2008
College Game Day
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Officially a...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Chicago in the Summertime
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Officially Mobile
So it is safe to say that Madeline can crawl! I was a little timid about making an announcement like that a couple weeks ago because she was so inconsistent with her mobility. However, that is definitely not the case anymore. Danielle and I will have to keep our eye on her now. I hope you enjoyed the progressing series of photos with this post that somewhat show her crawling capabilities. You will notice that the last of these shown above is a bit blurry due to her blazing speed!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Chicago in the Springtime
We went to Chicago this past week for a couple days. We had a great time in the city and Madeline had plenty of new sights and sounds to take in. She couldn't believe there were that many people all in one place. We shopped (although didn't buy very much) and ate at some yummy places. We even saw the taping of the Ellen DeGeneres show right outside our hotel! It was hard sleeping in a new place and she was very ready to come home to her own bed. No place like home! It was her first trip overnight out of Kalamazoo and I think it was a success! On another note, she is VERY close to crawling. Any day now! We are also so happy it's spring here in Michigan and Madeline loves to look at all the pretty flowers.
A good Dutch girl can never resist pictures of tulips. :) The city was full of them, they were gorgeous! Below is a picture of where they wre taping the Ellen Degeneres show. There must have been a line of people two blocks to get into it! Needless to say, we were not!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Early Spring
Each Spring, I am amazed at the transformation that our little yard goes through. When we moved into this house, I was left a large perennial garden. I have cursed the previous owner many times for leaving me so much work! I really do love it, however, and so I thought I would post the transformation from Early Spring, to Summer to Fall. Each season brings out new plants and flowers in the garden. Here is a view from our back porch looking out into our yard. Yes, it's tiny and our fence really needs to be repaired (or replaced!!). The adirondack chairs were gifts from my parents, one for Todd's birthday and one for my birthday. Todd painted them red last summer. I was too fat and pregnant to be doing anything like that! :)
This is a view from the back of the yard (you know, by the broken fence!) to the back of our house. The house is a light yellow if you can't tell and we had it painted last fall.
Well now that I've posted my house and garden for all to see, I guess I have a lot work to do so my next transformation pictures look good! Hope this finds everyone well...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bath Time!
Monday, April 7, 2008
I was threatened with my life if I posted any pictures of the hot momma, so I opted for the cake picture instead. We threw our friends, Tim and Nicole, a baby shower on Sunday. It was fun and fabulous and there were even guys there! They were good sports despite never being to a shower before. I tried to keep it as dude-friendly as possible, with chips and pop and finger food. Madeline met a new friend and decided it was her time to shine. She had quite the time showing off her new-found voice. We had to have a little talk about manners after the shower :) We are lucky to have such good friends as Tim and Nicole and can't wait for their new addition so Madeline can have a playmate!
Monday, March 24, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Five Months
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Days with Daddy
Taking Over
Food Introduction
Friday, February 1, 2008
Weekly Update
As I write this, I realize this picture is already over a month old. You can see the Christmas tree to the left! To the right is Madeline's bouncy seat which she LOVES! It's funny to watch her move around in it and "push" the buttons. I'm not fully convinced she does it on purpose yet.
I'm back to work as many of you know and it's very bittersweet, but mostly bitter! I hate being away from her, but thankfuly my mom and husband watch her while I'm gone. My mom keeps telling me it's good for both of us, but I'm not convinced. If anyone has any work at home suggestions, let me know!! All the moms at work tell me it gets easier with time. Thankfully it's only two days a week...but twelve hours a day!
Madeline is now eating sweet potatoes (which she INHALES), cereal and applesauce. I know she's only about 5 months, but she started grabbing for my food about 2 weeks ago so I decided it was time! She still prefers milk but likes the switch-up. We hope all our friends and family are doing well, especially the ones that are not near us...we love you all!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Culinary Genious
Years later my mom was preparing spaghetti, her homemade sauce with yummy vegetables and crushed tomatoes. We protested that we wanted dad's sauce, how it was much yummier. My mom, it a moment of frustration, delcared that not only was dad's spaghetti sauce just a can of Ragu, but his pancakes weren't his own invention either, mearly a recipe out of the Junior League cookbook. We were crushed! Visions of our father becoming a famous chef were torn to pieces.
As I made the pancakes this morning, I had to laugh thinking about those Sunday mornings. Perhaps I'll also let my daughter think I'm the genius chef, on her way to stardom....
Friday, January 25, 2008
Madeline on the Move!
On another note, Madeline was baptized two Sundays ago now at our Church, Second Reformed, here in Kalamazoo. It was such a great service, they even worked her name into one of the songs and had her pictures on slide show. Pastor "Uncle" Ralph reminded us of God's faithfulness to Todd and I and that we have every reason to believe He will be faithful to Madeline as well. Thanks Uncle Ralph for a great baptism!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Mommy/Daughter Time
How cute are these two? Some precious images of Madeline and Danielle. The first picture is basically how we feel whenever we think about "Bubs". It's the kind of picture that captures that feeling and makes you want to hold onto this miracle and not let go.
The second picture was just before a Thanksgiving feast. Madeline is in this adorable dress with cornucopias and pumpkins! She loves being held that way too! Almost like Superwoman! That's her style though.
The final picture shows Mommy and Madeline during Thanksgiving. Again, you can see Madeline wearing her favorite dress!
Daddy/Daughter Time
These pictures are a few special Daddy/Daughter time photographs. They range from Madeline's younger days to older. These two are of the "Bubs" getting fed the bottle by Daddy. Let me tell you, this was not always as pleasant as the photos may portray it. Sometimes, bottlefeeding was a bit challenging. Madeline definately prefers fresh from the source nourishment. Some days were battles but it was a wonderful bonding time for Daddy and daughter. Enjoy!