Friday, May 13, 2011


When I found out I was having another girl, I assumed I would be having the same daughter twice.  Don't laugh, it's true!  I told this to Madeline's preschool teacher the other day and she laughed and said, "oh you young moms when will you learn?"  I thought Millie would walk at the same time, get teeth at the same time, look the same and act the same.  Naive? Wishful thinking?  Luck?  What was I thinking?!  Although they might look a little bit alike, they certainly DO NOT act, grow, develop or anything else alike.  

I won't say WHO (Millie Grace) STILL doesn't sleep through the night, but this is my only complaint!  

I love that they are different and I love that their personalities are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
I love that the things I once thought about Madeline aren't really true and that Millie certainly inhabits many  of them.  

Here is a picture of Madeline and Millie in the same pose but about four months apart.

Madeline Jean 2008
Millie Grace 2011

Cotton Tail

Millie Grace Easter 2011