So ever since Millie was born, I have been feeling bad that she hasn't received some of the same things Madeline did. For example, I didn't get newborn portraits done, no new clothes (well, some of course!!), Madeline's old room. Some of this is inevitable, I suppose. However, there have been a few things that I have for Millie that I WISH I had for Madeline! Here is a list of things I wish I had the first time around:
1. BumGenius diapers. I LOVE these cloth diapers. I never thought I would be one for doing cloth diapers, but it is super easy! They are really soft, good for the earth and save you some money (some estimate $1800 per kid).

2. My Ergo baby front carrier. Not only is it a front carrier, but can be used as a backpack carrier as well! The baby/toddler is right against your skin and it is very easy to use...I recommend it to everyone!

3. Hotsling! Once again, I never thought I would be t
he sling type, but Millie likes to snuggle in close to me. It's nice to use these first couple months when they can't sleep very well in the front carrier, but you need your hands free. Yes, there have been some recalls, so make sure you are using it correctly!
4. My Volvo wagon. Yes, we just bought a car a year ago (--not the Volvo wagon...insert life lesson #36 here :)). After some deliberation and much consideration, we traded in our old/new car (which will remain nameless) for our Volvo wagon. It is 6 years old, but will save us some money in the long run and I feel much better about myself and my kids in it. I love it!!
This may sound like a commercial for baby products and cars, but these products are awesome and worth the money :)