Well, here in Michigan winter can be a little boring! So, Madeline and I took matters into our own hands and signed up for swimming lessons at the YMCA, just two blocks from our house! We invited our friends Jen and Emma to join us and it's been a party! We sing lots of fun songs, learn to paddle, kick and blow bubbles. Madeline loves being in the water and has really enjoyed the time out of the house! The last class in each session allows a visitor to come in the pool, so Todd was able to swim with her too. She is in love with her swimming instructor, Mr. Mike, and needs to swim with him for a little bit each class. She also tries to hug and kiss Emma most of the class, but I try and keep her on focus! Mr. Mike says she is doing so well that next class she can try a cube (flotation device). We'll see :)
We are hoping spring is coming, we've had a couple teasers and then there always seems to be more snow. Lately the sidewalks have been clear so I put Madeline in her snow suit and strap her in the baby jogger (big wheels!) and walk, just to get out of the house and get some sun on our faces. We're going to keep our fingers crossed for warmer weather!